From the sublime to the ridiculous...

Location: Montague/Charlottetown, PEI, Canada

Wednesday, December 20, 2006

5 more sleeps!!!!

But I'm not excited for Christmas... really, I'm not. Well, ok.. maybe a little bit excited. That being said I haven't really started my shopping yet and I probably won't start until friday evening. I know what I'm getting everyone, does that count??? I got my marks back today and I did really well, well at least it was good for me. My lowest mark was a 77, then there was a 79 and two 82% so not bad overall. I've been in the Kelly Computer lab for the last 2 hours waiting to go to drama. I'm still not sure how I got put in charge of props etc. I really don't know what I'm doing. Wow... this post is really disjointed, I'm just really tired, I got stuck out in Long Creek last night, my sister ditched the car and so I stayed at the the Fenton's for the night. That was fine, I just wouldn't recommend sleeping in your clothes to anyone. Anyways, I should get going.. Merry Christmas!

Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Free at last!

I finished my last exam and handed in my last paper today! And to make things even better, my exam was actually really easy... I was out of there 45 minutes after I started. *Sigh* Off to drama, and then tomorrow... I'm sleeping in and other than cleaning my room I plan on doing absolutely nothing that requires brain power!

Sunday, December 10, 2006

What a day....

God has to have a sense of humor. It is the only conclusion I can come to about Friday without becoming a hermit... because if God doesn't have a sense of humor like I think he does, then he is definitely out to get me. You may laugh, but I'm being absolutely serious here. I was supposed to write my History exam friday afternoon at 2:00pm, and being the kind of student that I am I was spending the morning cramming. I knew what the final essay question was going into the exam but I didn't even start researching it until that morning, and well lets just say that it was a bad idea because I couldn't find anything and was starting to panic (alot). So I decided to head into town to use the library, on my way in I hear that there is a large fire at my school. To even remotely understand how funny this is you have to know that during past exam periods my roommates and I have sat around thinking up ways to get exams canceled/moved ahead. I don't think I actually ever thought of setting fire to a building, but that had to be one desperate student. As much as I would have liked to be done of that exam on friday I had really underestimated what it was going to take to answer that last question (worth 40%) and so I was really hoping fo rmy exam to be pushed ahead. It appeared that this was going to happen because I was at the library when some staff person came in and made this huge announcement that the campus was closing and everyone had to go home. No exams right? That's what I thought because how was I supposed to write when the campus was closed. So Kate and I headed off shoe shopping (well browsing I guess) and then to my optometrist appointment. I'm sitting there waiting to be seen and my sister calls and makes some sort of comment about the 7pm exams still being written. Thinking this odd I called the UPEI hotline and sure enough I was still scheduled to write my exam... in 40 minutes time (trust me, no time to study there). SO I headed back over to the school in the snow and slush and was walking to the sports center (complaining the entire way of course) when I slipped, fell and landed on my butt and my bad arm in a giant mud puddle. I was soaked, like actually dripping and had to go write my exam anyways. When I got up from writing there was a puddle... at least no one said anything right? Anyways, that's the horror story from Friday, there's no word on what the actual cause of the fire was but my money is definitely on a desperate student. Good luck with exams everyone!