From the sublime to the ridiculous...

Location: Montague/Charlottetown, PEI, Canada

Thursday, May 24, 2007

God of the small details...

My conclusion of the week (and it's only Thursday, so watch out!): God is crazy awesome, loves me unbelievably, has a sense of humor and loves to remind me of all of this in some of the weirdest ways on a regular basis. I had to go to the dentist on Tuesday... not such a big deal until you realize how terrified I am of the dentist (second only to my fear of being alone in a strange dark place). I was, of course, freaking out and praying like crazy. By the time I got to the dentist I was to the point of just asking God for some tangible sign that he was aware of how freaked out I was. SO I survived the visit to the dentist, due to listening to my mp3 player I may forever associate Hillsong United with having teeth pulled, but my mind was elsewhere for a few brief moments and for that I was thankful. It may have been silly of me, but I kind of thought, "OK, God used the songs etc..." but of course it didn't stop there. I got home and in my facebook inbox was a message from a random person who had added me to their friends list that morning. The basic gist of the message was that he felt led by the Holy Spirit to pray for me on that day and gave me a Bible verse as well. Not only does God use random worship songs while I'm in a dentist's chair, he inspires someone from Ohio, who I've never met, to pray for me and then to tell me about it so I know it... yeah, God is big and I am small and for that I am very thankful, because there is no way I could orchestrate something like that. Was listening to Delirious? live album today and heard "Every little thing's gonna be alright" and couldn't help but worship in agreement. Have a great week!

Monday, May 21, 2007

Where do we go from here?

wow... it's been almost two months since I've last updated this... oops! Things have been a *little* crazy around here and I seriously can't believe that it's almost the end of May already. I'm back to working full time, which is weird. I like working an 8 hour shift better than say 4 hours, but it's hard to get back into that schedule. This year is also strange 'cause I'm not working at camp... to realize how weird that is for me, you need to know that I've been at camp (air cadets) or worked at camp (seggie) for the last 6 years. I've never really had to *work* for a summer before... yes, camp is a lot of work, but it's different than your typical idea of work and therefore doesn't count in this equation :D. Anyways, like I said I'm working full time at the library for the summer and I actually like my job. There's a list of projects we (the other summer assistant and I) have to work on and other than that we are pretty much on our own. It's pretty sweet because I get to listen to music the majority of the time and since I don't really have to think about any of the tasks I'm doing it gives me a chance to think about a lot of other stuff, which can either be good or bad depending on my mood. Other than work, I guess the biggest changes have been at church. There hasn't really been any major changes, at least none that a new person might notice, but things have been very crazy and awesome all the same. We've been realizing that our church doesn't do missions but is missions. I love that when God has something in mind for people He puts it on more than one person's heart. The last post I wrote was about "the I heart revolution" and this was before our church really even started talking about this! Tied into all of this is that our church is sending a team to Watoto (Kampala, Uganda) next year. I am so excited to see what God is doing through this project! Like I said last time, I know God is calling me to go, then I didn't know where, now I believe that I am supposed to pursue this and see how it works out.... It's kind of funny, because I had all of these plans about working full time this summer and putting away most of my wages towards this trip. Then I went to the dentist last week and found out that I need to have several thousand dollars of work done on my teeth... this summer. Go figure huh? I'm just excited to see how God uses the fact that I don't have any money to let me go to Africa. Last summer, two days after I accepted the position of worship leader at camp, my guitar broke (irrepareably). I had kind of resigned myself to the fact that I was just going to have to spend the money on buying a new one, when someone (I'm not allowed to find out who) gave me a brand new guitar. I figure if God can give me a brand new guitar this trip to Africa is going to work out too. Anyways, now that I've written a small novel, I should go do something, but if you're bored and looking for something good to read, check out Joel Houston's blog at Have a great week!