my apologies...
yup... once again I've gotten completely out of the loop as far as updating my blog regularly... lol, for the 4 of you who read this, I am sorry. :D Things have been kind of crazy, I've been working full time at the library in town while still living at home which translates into me not having very much free time. What free time I do have lately is spent sleeping, or outside, cause sitting inside for 10 hours a day when you're used to working at a camp can suck... hard. Anyways, June was a pretty sweet month, considering it all started off with a crazy 3 day road trip to Montreal it was very sweet indeed. The trip to Montreal was incredible. Not really any other words to describe it, but heck I'm bored at work so why not try huh? For one thing, I was the only driver of what turned out to be a very small car (at least small when trying to fit 5 or 6 adults in it) for the entire trip. This was great because I hate the backseat and well driving kind of ensures that you have a good spot :D. It was not so good because it was a 12 hour drive up and a 13 1/2 hour drive home and I had never driven further than Moncton before by myself let alone taking along friends/being trusted with the lives of those who had to ask permission to travel with me. We never actually got lost tho (well, seriously lost anyways, we took an accidental side trip into Quebec City, but we did get out!). The Hillsong United concert was... wow. Yeah, it was great and we weren't that far back from the stage and ended up randomly finding some the band members afterwards and getting pictures and autographs. I also got my nose pierced, what better way to celebrate a road trip than a random piercing right? It actually wasn't all that random, but it ended up being made possible cause Ethan gave it to me for a birthday gift (I wasn't allowed to spend the money on it... long story). I spent the rest of the month working, doing Watoto stuff, and more working. July has been much of the same story. In case you haven't heard yet, I'm going to Africa next May with my church with the Watoto Children's Ministry. I'm so excited and yet terrified at the same time! Even though I've always said that I didn't want to go to Africa, I know without a doubt that I'm supposed to be pursuing this... even typing that last sentence was scary... but Jesus is more than sufficient and it will be on his power, strength, wisdom etc. that I will be going.
That's pretty much what's been going on here lately.... I'm going to get another tattoo in a couple of weeks (hopefully) but I'll post some pics when its finished. Hope you're having a great summer and God Bless!