From the sublime to the ridiculous...

Location: Montague/Charlottetown, PEI, Canada

Sunday, August 26, 2007


You give and take away and yet you ask me to still trust, that through the pain you have a reason behind this, that the tears have a purpose. I take a step, and then another. Halting baby steps is all I can manage and yet you are pleased with my stumbles, a proud father pointing out to whomever will listen that I am yours. Even on my darkest days when getting out of bed is almost more than I can manage. You are enough. You have to be enough. If you aren't enough then it has all been for naught. When it feels like I've been deserted by everyone I hold dear, you are enough. When I'm in the middle of a crowd yet utterly alone you are enough. When the days are so bright with your glory that it hurts to open my eyes you are enough. When the night is so black I can't tell up from down you are still enough. When I'm scared to take another breath for fear of giving myself away you are enough. When I am homesick for your courts, when home feels so close yet so far away, when you continue to ask me to walk in obedience, when all I want is to be done... you are enough. August 22, 2007

Beauty in Pain... The Ultimate Contradiction?

In everything beautiful there is pain. Can they exist on their own, apart from each other? The things in life we most appreciate come at a price. Thunderstorms, fire, darkness, love... even the cross.
Thunderstorms are a powerful display of nature, often awe inspiring by those who love to watch them. Even aside from striking fear into the hearts who don't like them, thunderstorms have the power to destroy, yet many find themselves transfixed in awe. The same with fire. It gives light, heat, allows us to cook and can offer us protection and it too can destroy. One errant spark and the results can be disastrous. Depending on the circumstances darkness can be cold or comforting, terrifying or full of warmth. Love, as wonderful an emotion as it is, when it is abused it leaves people hurt, damaged and scared to try again or to be vulnerable. The cross... not really something most people find beautiful, yet when I look at the cross I see the one person who was willing who gave everything for me. Who searched me out and when he found me bound in chains he gave his life to break the lock holding me. Many will look and only see a blood stained chunk of wood, an instrument of torture, a death sentence. I see love. I see my Jesus, and fall to my knees humbled and amazed at the beauty expressed through the pain. August 22, 2007