I doubt anyone still reads this anymore seeing as I haven't updated it in over a year... but regardless of that, I've felt the urge to get back into my writing and thought the blog was the best place to start up again. Whether or not this continues once I'm back in school in September another story entirely. :)
I moved to London, Ontario, at the beginning of July, in preparation to start my Master's in September at the University of Western Ontario. For anyone who has kept up with me over the last six months knows, this was something of a last minute trip. I had been planning on traveling to South Korea to teach English when I found out that I had been accepted into the Library and Information Science program. This wouldn't have affected my plans except for the tiny annoying fact that Western wouldn't defer my acceptance for the year, so in the span of a little less than two months I completely changed course and headed for Ontario.
The thought behind moving here in July rather than waiting for August was that I wanted a chance to get to know my way around the city and campus before classes started, otherwise I didn't know that I'd get to see anything other than the inside of classrooms and computer labs. This worked well with my job at the library ending mid-June, so I booked my ticket and started looking for a job.
Unfortunately, finding work wasn't been as easy as I anticipated, but I'm 99% sure that I have a job starting on the 20th as a telemarketer... Obviously, it's not the most glamorous job, but at this point, as long as it is legal/ethical and will pay my bills, then I'm ok with that. I honestly don't know that I'll be able to work any amount of hours and keep up with my grad program, so I think having this job will work out for everyone involved. And on the note of how ethical it is to be a telemarketer, the company I'm working for sells magazines like MacLean's and Chatelaine, and is owned by Rogers, so while we may be annoying, at least we're running credit card scams or anything.
Not sure what else to update at the moment.. I'm thinking about maybe spending some more time with my aunt and uncle who live about an hour from me. Because I don't start work for another week, I sense that I might go a little crazy between now and then. But we'll see what happens, things have had a way of changing at the last second since I arrived!