From the sublime to the ridiculous...

Location: Montague/Charlottetown, PEI, Canada

Sunday, January 28, 2007

*heavy sigh*

Have you ever been in that place where you just wanted to curl up in bed with the blankets over your head and not get out? Ever? Yeah... me too, well at least that's the way I've felt for the latter part of this past week. The last couple of weeks have been ridiculously crazy (in a mostly good way), and God had been doing some amazing things in my life and in my church/youth group/drama team as well. I honestly don't ever recall having this feeling that I have, that God is undeniably speaking to me. It's kind of a weird feeling, but that being said I don't ever wish it to stop. So like I was saying, things have been going really well, and then thursday I checked the status of my student loan, and of course they didn't give me what I needed. In fact they didn't even give me enough to pay for my classes this semester. Go figure. I apologize if any one who reads this is a student loan person or knows a student loan person, but I really don't like them... I'd use stronger words if I thought I could come up with an accurate description... but I really don't like them. So now I have to appeal my student loan (not a fun process) and try to get more hours at work (cause that's really fun too! :S). Oh well... it all has a purpose right? And on top of all this I might be doing a 2nd degree (through distance ed) in youth ministry. Does this prove that I'm clinically insane? I barely have time to work on one degree let alone a 2nd, but if you could pray for me it would be greatly appreciated. I've also been trying to figure out what I'm going to do this summer, and one of my options is to go out west and work for 4 months. My dad is out there already and could probably get me in with his company as a "fire watch" person, that is watching welders etc. to make sure that they don't catch themselves or anyone/thing else on fire. Oh yeah, did I mention the starting wage was like $17.50 an hour, and would probably be over $20/h shortly after I started. If I was to go out, I could work for the summer and pay for school next year, thus negating the need to deal with the aforementioned yucky student loan people. I have no idea what I'm going to do, actually your prayers would be appreciated in this matter too, unless you plan on pulling an Ethan and praying me out of a job.. in that case please don't! Have a great week everyone!

Wednesday, January 03, 2007

and so it begins... again

Oh the joys of going back to school. Actually I'm not that upset over the fact that my vacation is over... well other than the fact that I can't stay up til 3 anymore. But oh well, such is life right? Hope everyone's Christmas was good. Mine was, well interesting as is any holiday spent with my family. I got the first 4 seasons of ER on dvd and so needless to say I've spent a significant amount of time watching that, and then my mom got the first season of Bones on dvd, and well now I'm addicted to yet another show. I really don't have time for another show to watch but if you've ever seen Bones then you'll understand why it's a must see. Work started up yesterday and I've come to the conclusion that my boss definitely loves me because my schedule is amazing. Yet again I do not have to work evenings or weekends, but she also scheduled all of my shifts so that they are right after classes so I can be home at decent times. Classes started up today as well, and I think I'm really going to like them... I was supposed to have these two classes on Monday, Wednesday and Friday but after January 12th and the 19th I will no longer have class on fridays because we will be participating in online discussions. Add that to my great work schedule and I now have no reason to drive to charlottetown on Fridays, well other than plans with friends etc. Anyways, I guess that'll be all my ramblings for today... If you could pray for my dad it would be greatly appreciated, he leaves next monday to go to Alberta for 3 months and it's going to be hard on my mom as well. Have a great day all!