I still hate school....
so because I'm writing this post one would assume that I have a paper that I'm not writing right now... well if you assumed so you are right. I have a paper that was due today and I was all set to write it... I mean I just finished writing 2 on the weekend but I was going to get it done today and then I was finished... Then I went to class on tuesday and my prof made some sort of comment about how he didn't deduct marks for late essays. *poof* there goes my motivation. Now really, why would you tell your overstressed overtired and very undermotivated as it is students that? Honestly... not even half the class passed in their papers today, all I can say is that the poor man brought it on himself. The paper itself is on Satans tempting of Eve in book 9 of Milton's Paradise Lost. I have the paper all laid out, (I'm comparing Satan to a salesman by the way so keep that in mind when you're out shopping) and I know what quotes etc I want to use, I just can't seem to write the paper! Argghhh!!!!!!!! Does anyone want to finish this for me? Only 1009 words (approx.) left. Gonna go home and try to finish it after I watch Grey's Anatomy.... HA! I know... highly unlikely, but I really don't want to do it tomorrow. Watch out weekend, I have no papers!!!!