From the sublime to the ridiculous...

Location: Montague/Charlottetown, PEI, Canada

Thursday, November 30, 2006

I still hate school....

so because I'm writing this post one would assume that I have a paper that I'm not writing right now... well if you assumed so you are right. I have a paper that was due today and I was all set to write it... I mean I just finished writing 2 on the weekend but I was going to get it done today and then I was finished... Then I went to class on tuesday and my prof made some sort of comment about how he didn't deduct marks for late essays. *poof* there goes my motivation. Now really, why would you tell your overstressed overtired and very undermotivated as it is students that? Honestly... not even half the class passed in their papers today, all I can say is that the poor man brought it on himself. The paper itself is on Satans tempting of Eve in book 9 of Milton's Paradise Lost. I have the paper all laid out, (I'm comparing Satan to a salesman by the way so keep that in mind when you're out shopping) and I know what quotes etc I want to use, I just can't seem to write the paper! Argghhh!!!!!!!! Does anyone want to finish this for me? Only 1009 words (approx.) left. Gonna go home and try to finish it after I watch Grey's Anatomy.... HA! I know... highly unlikely, but I really don't want to do it tomorrow. Watch out weekend, I have no papers!!!!

Tuesday, November 28, 2006

I hate school....

I'm not sure that writing in a state of exhaustion is such a good idea but here its gonna be short anyway. I finished the papers that were due yesterday... I literally wrote a 10 page paper in 6 hours, and that includes changing my topic 2 hours into it. But both papers are done, and now I only have my short Paradise Lost paper to write for thursday. Have I started it? Heck no, maybe tonight, if my brain starts working again. But the end is in sight folks, I will be finished completely in 15 days, and my exams shouldn't be too bad so I'm not overly worried. In other news, I got my English quiz back today and got 100% on it, so that made me smile. More later...

P.S. Extol on Saturdayl 9:30-11:30pm @ First Baptist Church

Thursday, November 23, 2006

ahhhh... the joy having to write 3 papers in a short amount of time and not having the motivation to do it. I'm supposed to be writing a paper on the "life, circumstances and message of Hosea" but instead i'm updating my blog. I swear if you look at pasts blogs, the longer they are it usually means the more work I was supposed to be doing. Anyways, I was online doing some research for this paper and checking my email etc. when I came across an old friends website that had some gliding pictures on it. I can't believe how much I miss gliding right now. Of course I looked through all of her pictures and saved a bunch of them, and went back to my research. So I was using Wikipedia and I accidentally went back to the main page and the featured article of the day is on, what else, gliding. It's crazy to think that I haven't been flying in 3 years, but I really do miss it now. I just wish that gliding was more accessible because I'd rather go gliding than power flying any day. The only way that I can go gliding on the island is a)go back to cadets and fly out of summerside or b) build my own glider. I am in no way financially able to build my own glider and I can't ever see myself going back to cadets so I guess I'm stuck for the time being. With that being said, I'm going to get out of this computer lab (I've been sitting here for 3 hours and haven't really accomplished much) do a bit of photocopying and then I get to go pick up Kate. If I can figure out how to post pictures I'll share some of the gliding ones I found... it's hard to beleive that once upon a time this was me!

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Is it over yet????

I can't believe that it's already November 22 and that I saw snowflakes yesterday. But at the same time I can't believe that it's not December 13th and I'm not finished of the semester yet. I'm not sure how it works, but apparently going to the majority of your classes makes everything harder. This has been by far my hardest semester yet, and it's a good thing I have been going to most of my classes otherwise I would be failing in a big way. Mind you I haven't been to my history class in almost 2 weeks and my attendance in Old Testament has been sporadic at best, but I only missed two of my Protestant-Catholic classes and yesterday, I missed my first English class. I was trying so hard to make it through the semester without missing any of them, but the cold/sore throat I had last week turned into a sinus infection on the weekend and so today (Wednesday) marked my return to the world of academia and work. Oh joy. While I was supposed to be off resting on Monday and then on Tuesday as well I spent well over 20 hours working on my class presentation that I had to do today. The outcome? It was a less than stellar presentation, but I was at the point where I really didn't care anymore and now it's finished. I also found out that my exam in that class (Prot-Cath) will be a take-home. :D I missed two work shifts as well which sucks, but exams are coming up so I should (hopefully) be able to pick up a few extra shifts here and there. This week is about to get crazier... I have 3 papers to write, one paper to revise, and exams to start studying for. Plus another Extol on Dec. 2 (First Baptist Church; 9:30-11:30pm) but best of all Kate gets home tomorrow and I get to go pick her up at the airport! It's hard to believe that she's been away for 6 months, but I'm really glad she's coming home now... when she left our friendship wasn't in the best state it's ever been, but her being gone has made me appreciate her more and from the sounds of it, this isn't the same Kate coming home that left here. Anyways, I have to go clean out my car, get a few groceries, and then go to drama. Drama is one of the few sane points of my week... I will write about Awaken The Dawn later, just please be in prayer for me as I'm not totally sure of where God is leading me right now!

Friday, November 17, 2006

Now where did I put my voice????

As I mentioned in my last post I have been sick for the last week and one of the side effects is that I have almost completely lost my voice. I thought it was starting to get better yesterday, I could actually talk a bit and when I sang it actually sounded more like singing rather than some sort of animal being tortured... but after an hour and a half of worship team practice my voice pretty much gave out. Needless to say I've been eating throat lozenges by the handful, drinking lots of fluids and taking numerous cold medications all in the hopes that I will be able to sing this weekend. God seriously has a sense of humour. For one thing, I don't like getting up in front of people in the first place, I was already kind of freaking out about this weekend before this happened, now I'm really freaking out... how am I supposed to lead without a voice? It's going to be one interesting weekend folks. As you can probably tell by the length of my post I'm procrastinating, but I suppose I should go do some school work or something. Please be praying for us this weekend, it's very much appreciated!

Wednesday, November 15, 2006

anybody want a cold????

Why do I always get sick at the worst possible times? Between playing on saturday night and then having an awesome worship time sunday night I've pretty much lost my voice, which sucks considering I have to lead worship at Awaken the Dawn this weekend... I'm not sure how God is gonna pull this one off but it should be interesting. That being said I also have 4 papers and a class presentation due within the next week and a half, but I have to go to drama right now and so I can't worry about this stuff... am I absolutely crazy to be doing this? I'm beginning to think I just might be... later all, 'licia

Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Who wants to start a free hug campaign???

I am so unbelievably sick of everything to do with Pennsylvania right now... I have to teach this class on November 22 on Protestant Catholic Relations in Pennsylvania, and of course I've been dragging my butt on actually researching the topic, I've just been doing enough to get sick of it all. And now that I've been sitting here at the library for the last 3 hours I'm ready to jump in front of a bus. That being said, I actually feel like I know a bit more about the topic, or at least I have the potential to know more, cause I just saved most of the info to my jump drive to read through later, but it's a start right?
So is there anyone who would want to start a free hug campaign with me? I finally got a chance to watch the free hug video on YouTube yesterday ( and I really like the idea. Laugh all you want, but I'm actually being kind of serious, it would be fun if nothing else. Let it be noted that my mom has already said that she won't bail me out of jail if I get arrested... thanks mom!
Anyways, I should finish this research so I can get out of here and go to youth group, we're having a progressive supperso it should be a lot of fun.

Monday, November 06, 2006

I'm not totally sure how much I'll actually end up posting on here... I kinda like Xanga, and it's the only way that Christie and I actually keep in touch, but stupid blogspot only allows you to leave a comment if you're a member so here I am! Life is super busy as always, between school, work, youth group, drama, extol and the fact that I have to drive at least 2 hours a day between home and school etc, I barely have time to breathe let alone actually do the necessary work that the above stuff entails. Anyways, I gotta go, Lilla and I are heading for lunch, and then sleep before class!
Later all,